Thursday 27 December 2012

It's looking a lot like Christmas

Ok well it seems as if I have managed to get my blog working again. Totally fluke , but I am very pleased Hi
I have decided this year due  to rising postage costs and low funds to do an e greeting .
This is my review of the year.

2012 in numbers

2 The number of adults living at home
Hannah & I are quite happily coexisting ,

3 is the number of children Hannah nannies in her new job that she loves.

11 months is length of time since my back surgery, learning to do what I can and accept what I can't ( begrudgingly)

1 the number of grandchildren. Harry is growing into a happy gorgeous little boy,  to be joined by his brother or sister in May.

4 the number of pets .Tilly is still bossed around by the cats and Thumper Hannah's house rabbit.

7 is the number of months that Liz and James have been married

5 is the number of years that Becky and Carl have been married

2 is the number of years Chris and Gemma have been married.

12 is the number of years I worked for Shropshire LEA before being made redundant.  

50 the number of birthdays I will be celebrating in January.
300 the number
 of cards a friend and I made to sell.
200 the number left to sell.
100's. of multicoloured lights on houses that resemble an explosion in a paint factory. White is so classy.
And my final number is the number of words in this update 435
So as you can see life here has been busy in 2012 with ups and downs
My hopes for 2013 are that :

I find a suitable job,
Eden House sells when it goes on the market in June
Hannah and I find a wonderful place to live when the house sells.
Biggest tho is that I DECLUTTER  this house room by room. Getting rid of the ugly and unwanted or unneeded items that fill the house, my starting point was the Christmas decorations a mixture of ugly and unwanted.

To actually do a car boot sale that I have been talking about for months.

All it leaves to say is that I hope your life is all you want it to be and that you are blessed.
