Wednesday, 30 January 2013

K's in my life .....

Ok he we go again its Thursday and that means only one thing Alphabet Thursday.
This week we have the delights of K. When you have a minute please pop over to Jenny class and see what other people have come up with

Kit Kat has to be the place I begin. It was first created in 1911 in a chocolate factory in York called Rowntrees. In 1988 it was taken over by NestlĂ© .

For those of you who have sampled a Kit Kat you will know what I say when I say it has a crispy chocolaty yumminess.

The next important K in my everyday life is my Kettle.

Now I have a fancy one now, It was provided by Occupational Health as an aid to my everyday life. A year ago I had a major back op and have been left with a few issues one of which means I can not or should not carry heavy things especially as I am prone to dropping things .
This gets filed up by Hannah every morning and it rolls on all day apparently using same electricity as energy saving light bulb.

OK I cant say I cant live without this product but I am glad that I do have it. What do you add it to? I add it to some pasta dishes , chips and sausages.

Who remembers having to bash the bottle to get the flow started and then how did we get the last drops out?
Then we had the squeasy bottle an improvement
But then the clever people at Heinz created this shape bottle Perfect . Now when I get to the end I pour water in shake and add to a casserole

For me this is a yummy fruit , How do you eat yours ? I either break in half  and just suck if soft or use a teaspoon like an egg

And finally keys
We all have keys  doors, windows, car to name a few.
hands up if you jave NEVER lost them.

Just have to say I am happy to have reolved picture issue
see you next week .


carol l mckenna

Great foodies for K ~ creative ~

Carol of: A Creative Harbor ^_^

Debra at HOMESPUN:

Great K post! :)

EG CameraGirl

Kool Kaptures! :))

Esther Joy

You did some thinking to come up with all those cool K pictures! Neat!

Naperville Now

Fun K posts!


What a lot of great K's in your life.

Along These Lines ...

You were right to put kit-kats at the top of the list.

Eden House News and views

Thank you just glad sorted nitches in blog to be able to include pics again

Eden House News and views

The deadly Kit Kat I love them


Hi again!

Great *K* post – great pics. Agree with all-especially the Kit Kats!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend and look forward to *seeing* you again!

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday


What a creative or should I say kreative post!


Kitkat, kettle, ketchup and Kiwis, what a nice composition, but don't talk to me about keys, lol !


Been so long that I had kit kat :)

LLM Calling

kit kat and ketchup - what more could you need, except some kindness

Chaney @ May Richer Fuller Be

Thanks for coming by my blog today! I am jealous of your electric kettle! That thing looks amazing. Have a great day!


Simply awesome things that start with K. You would not believe the history of ketchup. I researched it once and was amazed, so amazed I published an article about it. You have a lovely family and the cutest grand!



Yes to kit-kat and ketchup :) never mind the keys as I always forget where I've put them :)

Sandra Tyler

now I want kiwis and chocolate.


Kiwis are a yummy K! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog:)


Oh man.

Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar!

My grandlittles love that kandy, too.

Isn't it wonderful that the picture issues are resolved at blogger?

Thanks for linking.


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