Thursday 1 August 2013

K is not for .... Edenhouse

Ok it's that time again "alphabet Thursday"  and this week we have reached week 11 letter K.
This  round I have decided to focus on family and friends each week.

I know of a number people whose names begin with K .

Firstly there is my God daughter Kat aka Katherine she is 23 and earlier this year qualified as a nurse, for some people studying is easy peasy. But for others the gift of studying comes at a struggle , Kat is dyslexic and to achieve what she has is brilliant.

Next is Kathe now this Kathe is my American cousin she lives in Spokane Wa and I love her to bits , she was responsible for my very first hangover , enough said.Kathe is gran to Kalani her youngest grandson

Then there are two other Kaths I know one is a good friend who ended up being my sons mother in law and what is even better is that we are now the wonderfully lucky grandmothers to two fab grandsons .

The next Kath is a wonderfully gifted and kind lady who encouraged me with art. I am absolutely useless at drawing but love colouring in with paint.

My late Godmother has left behind her wonderful dog called Kelsey, I am sure that she really misses her mistress.
My youngest daughter has a Godfather called Kieth 

So as you see I have a few K's in my life .
I am just popping over to see what my kindred friends have come up with over here.



Thanks a lot of Kathis (?) in one's life. I know a few Kims - that's the name in my life! {:-Deb


My son is Kris!

21 Wits

Very cool.... and since I'm Karen.... but so many times people called me Kathy, in school.... guess there where just too many girls named Kathy! yay!


That is quite the accomplishment for Kat... You go girl!

You have such kool family and friends...

Sending kisses your way for such a killer post...

Thanks for linking to the letter "K"!


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