Thursday, 28 March 2013


Hi Alphabet followers please visit Jenny in her classroom and see what other followers have come up with for the letter

Well as it is Holy week it would be remiss of me not to focus on this, this  week.
Holy week is a time that Christians remember and some rein act the journey that Jesus made to the Cross . Starting last Sunday on Palm Sunday
Anybody who goes to church on Palm Sunday would have come away with a Palm Cross
This is a simple symbol
I am not sure if you can see these instructions but you could make your own.
The next day for Holy week is actually Today
Maunday Thursday.
This was the day that Jesus sat with his disciples and washed their feet.
Can you Imagine Jesus washing your feet? It is amazing for me , just  think how dusty and dirty those feet would have been.

what has amazed me on the news today is that the new pope is going to a young offenders prison to wash the feet of prisoners.
Now these feet are likely to be clean , not full of dust like the disciples feet. So this man who is the head of the catholic church is taking himself to the people fantastic. I wonder if the new Archbishop of Canterbury will be doing something similar  guess the only other thing he could do is go and wash the feet of a beggar on the street.
The next event on Maunday Thursday was Jesus breaking Bread and sharing wine.
The final sacrifice he made was to carry his own cross through the streets and then hang on that cross and die for me.
This picture says it all for me.
Now please don't get me wrong I am the first one to want the chocolate on Easter Sunday
And I will be the first one running ( OK hobbling ) to find eggs if I get to join an egg hunt.
But for me The sacrifice that Jesus made for me is central for me .
Fairly new on the market in the UK is an Egg with the christian story Will defiantly be on the lookout for that one
What ever you are doing this weekend Have a great time
God Bless
and please pop over to see Jenny



We get the stalk of the palm when we leave church and, at our house, place the fresh ones behind family photos that hang on the wall....and I'd be honored if you shared my poem! Happy Easter♫♪


Blessings to you and your family this Easter.

And thanks for stopping by my 'S is for Soul' post.


Hadn't heard about that egg in the UK with the Christian story - thanks for the heads up!

Lovely post as always - Happy Easter, Tracy!


Hi Tracy, what an excellent "S" word post. I love it! Thanks for the info too, on the new pope going to a young offenders prison to wash the feet of prisoners there. Jesus would do something like that today I am sure.**

We didn't do crosses on Palm Sunday. I don't remember ever doing it. Probably for Mrs. Jim and I we will attend a Friday night Good Friday service and then of course celebrate Easter on Sunday morning in church. Your younger ones will have Easter egg hunts Saterday. The Minister of Education wants us (all together) to bring 9000 eggs for this.
** My favorite Bible verse is the second part of Revelation 22:3 which reads: [in Heaven, we ...] (3) (No longer will there be any curse.) The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.


Lovely post today! I hadn't heard that about the Pope -- he seems to be a man in tune with the world and also very humble. I think he will be a good and needed change for the Catholic church. (just my opinion; I'm not Catholic...)

Of course, biting the ears off chocolate bunnies is a great Easter tradition too.... :)

Have a blessed Easter.


I only know that I am not in a Easter mood at all and I am feeling lousy, I had a flew ! sorry but this whole pope story gets on my nerves it has nothing to do with faith anymore !

Rocky Mountain Woman

I am not Catholic, but I have to admire the new Pope's attitude. He personifies Christianity.

Pam Beers.

The Triduum...Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Christ's last days on earth and His resurrection. Lovely blog post, and a very moving time of the year for me. Very powerful.


Great post. I love the idea of the Christian Easter Eggs. It's about time!


happy Easter to you! {:-Deb

Susan Anderson

That is central for me, too. It's the most meaningful holiday we have, isn't it?

Thanks for this post. I enjoyed it.


Cathy Kennedy

As a young child, I recall in the old rural churches I grew up in that a common practice of the Christian members was washing the feet of each other as a way to pay tribute to Christ. This lowly act is usually deviated to a servant in Christ's time, but Jesus showed His disciples how much He loved them by serving them in this capacity. This is a lovely post for Alphabe-Thursday. Thanks for sharing!


Suffering is Something we all go through but it is hard to imagine the Suffering Jesus endured for us....

Splendid post for the letter S...

Thanks for Sharing this with us...

Spectacular job!


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