Hi Fellow bloggers .Well once again I feel like I am at a confessional Please forgive me its been 4 Months since my last posting.
I need to ask you something Just wondering if you have found this last 8 months, they just seem to have disappeared is it my imagination or is the year flying away.
Anyway let me share some updates
My family are doing well I'm hopefully expecting another grandchild in the next few months very exciting .
My son Chris has retrained as an HGV driver and is now a driver working very long days .
And I guess the biggest news is that Harry starts school in September , how can he possibly be old enough already
Anyway want to share my new hobby I have discovered bible journaling.
My version is an Inspire Bible There is something lovely about being led to a verse colouring and praying at the same time
Well that's it for now Hope it wont be so long next time
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