Thursday, 5 December 2013

C is not for ...... Edenhouse

Lights Camera action its week three of round eight of this marvellous weekly gathering of like minded people held together by Jenny .

I have decided that for the next three weeks I am going to try and chose films connected to Christmas.
This week my choice for C was actually a book before film ( as is often the case) .
The book was written by one of my top Authors John Grisham   . Skipping Christmas is a book about  parents who decide to skip Christmas.

 Have you guessed the name of the film?

If you have some how missed this film please get a copy. It sums up what we all believe about the Christmas hype.
It really is a film that will make you laugh almost non stop.

well thats me done this week I am popping over to see what other people have contributed in  


Cathy Kennedy

I have not seen this Christmas movie, but I was curious about when it debated. However, the previews didn't sell me that it would be worth the expense to either buy or rent it. Now that you've called it to my attention, I may be more inclined to rent it to see if I like it. I hope so because I just Christmas movies! Thanks for the reminder and for sharing with the classroom!
Thursday Thoughts" The legend of the candy cane

Esther Joy

Tracy, I love that movie, but didn't know it was based on a John Grisham book!

And thanks for your visit to Joy4Today!


I haven't seen either of these. I do think I would prefer the comedy.


I am still not in a Christmas mood, lol !


Cute and fun post for C ~ thanks, carol, xxx


I don't remember if I've seen that movie or not -- but I'll look for it this season! Probably a hoot with Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis!!


I'll have to keep my eyes open for this one. Don't think I've heard the title before. {:-Deb


A new one for me too - will check out - TFS!

And many thanks for stopping by!

Little Wandering Wren

Hi Tracey
You are clever the way you have your themes for your ABC posts, I liked your previous ones about the people in your life. I don't know this movie, I usually sleep if I go to the cinema but this looks a good laugh so maybe i'd be ok?! I will suggest it for after the Queen's speech!
Have a great week
Wren x

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