Thursday, 27 February 2014

Lights Camera Action.......O

Oh no it so . Do you realise how few films beginning with O there actually are ?
No neither do but on Wikipedia list there are not to many..
So for my alphabet Thursday contribution this week I give you
Octopussy. Good old James Bond
Oklahoma another wonderful musical
On Golden pond
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Of this list my own personal favourite is .......

Oliver. A film that portrays the poverty faced by family in the Dickensian times, sadly there are people facing poverty today all over the world sadly there is little that one person can do against the greed that causes poverty.
Oliver didn't have enough food in the work house because the owners were greedy , even when Oliver ended up in what was perceived a better place the greed of Fagin got Oliver initially into trouble.
Oliver is a story and it has a happy ending sadly people facing poverty in. Our world don't always have a happy ending.

Please pop by to class and see what other contributors have come up with for Miss Jenny.


Dominique Goh

I remember seeing the show Oliver on TV or so when I was young. It was a real classic.. it's true many films/shows are not named with O.


I love the story of Oliver, nice music!

carol l mckenna

Fun post for O ~ love movies ~ and never stopped to think about movies beginning with o ~ thanks ~

artmusedog and carol

Cathy Kennedy

Octopussy is definitely a good old James Bond flick! I have always wanted to read Oliver, but I am not much of a novel person. Lengthy books can't hold my attention, as I get too bored. Short articles are my strong suit. I guess this is why I love reading blogs and other interesting write ups on the Internet. Good "O" post!

Stitches and Thyme

I love Oliver! And I love that you are calling out a problem that most don't think exists in the US - close to 25% of children in my county go to bed hungry. If school is cancelled due to snow, they may not get to eat if they don't have access to school lunches. Please consider donating to your local food bank.


I had never the courage to see "Oliver" it's too sad !

Rocky Mountain Woman

On Golden Pond is a favorite of mine...


Nice memories this brings back! Great post.


All good movie pics! I have to say that Oklahoma is my favorite of the bunch. First, because I like here now. But also because it's a musical. Love Musicals! And Rogers and Hammerstein! Amazing how many songs they've written, and you don't even know about it! Oh, that would be a good AlphabeThursday theme! {:-Deb

EG CameraGirl

My daughter was in grade-school version of the musical Oliver. It was wonderful!


Oh, I have one! Oscar with Sylvester Stallone. A funny parody of life in the Roaring '20s.

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