Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Lights Camera Action......N

Hi Bloggers well Its Thursday and time for my next film of choice.We are up to N and there are a few that I could choose from :
Nemo,bit fishy
Naked gun series -not my style.
National Lampoon series funny but again not my scene
National velvet - love it a nostalgic film
Nine months- good fun
I am sure that you will have your favourite and could name a few more.
This week I have gone for a film that in a way is very similar to my all time favourite film, well it is actually a Musical Mary Poppins .
I am sure you have guessed by now .......

The original film was released in 2005 and the sequel in 2010, It seems that there is a Nanny McPhee 3 also.
They are a great film and highly recommend them to you
Happy viewing .
I am now off to see what other people have contributed this week.
Finally what is your favourite N film?
Please pop by and see Jenny in Class I know she will love to see you.


Rocky Mountain Woman

Sounds like my kind of movie! I'll give it a whirl tonight...


I can't think of any that I've seen, but I meant to see Nebraska. Does that count? :)

Jackie McGuinness

The title gives me shivers as I worked with a guy named McPhee that we could stand! LOL

Dominique Goh

Aww.. Nanny McPhee.. I remember watching that show. It's really fun and entertaining unlike Mary poppins.

Little Wandering Wren

Oh Yes National Velvet, am I showing my age or just my love of horses?!!
Have a good week Tracey and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog
Wren x


I haven't seen this one, but I actually have seen (and liked) Nemo!


I don't think I've seen Nanny McPhee, although I've certainly heard of it!
Here's one for you.... Nightmare on Elm Street! Scared the stuffing out of me and that was in my own living room! But a bit later, thinking back on the movie, it was really just plain stupid!


I never heard of " Nanny McPhee." I only know Mary Poppins !


Will give this a whirl too!

See you again soon!


I watched it on Netflix recently!


Haven't seen Nanny Mcphee yet:) thanks for commenting on my blog earlier!

EG CameraGirl

This movie sounds fun!

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