Thursday, 18 July 2013

I is not for Eden House

Ok it is time a gain to share people in my life with you, yes it is alphabet Thursday.
And this week its I

Well I guess the most important I in my life was my ex husband Ian. We met and married in a 1984 and very soon had a family, Rebecca, Elizabeth Christopher and finally Hannah , and I have to say I would not be who I am today witjout the years I spent with Ian.

I dont honestly know where my marriage failed I just knw that on Friday August 28th 2009 Ian called and said he was not coming home. My world fell apart but I had to make sure that the for wonderful children were cared for.
We divorced on May 11th 2011I am not bitter just  sad that what I vowed in church did not last because he no longer loved me.

There actually a number of Ian's in my life.
Ian Marrow father of a child I minded and now friend along with his partner Georgina
Ian Thompson ex wife of my best friend Carolyn and Godfather to Christopher
Ian Andrews a neighbour who  along with his wife have been very supportive
Ian McFarland christian friend from church

And there are few other that I could bore you with.

My first Niece was christened Ilse but as a teenager decided to use her middle name Nikki so more about her in a few weeks..
There is also an Aunt called Irene but for various reasons I do not have a  relationship with her.

Please Can I ask you to pop over to Jenny and see what other I's have been inventented


Rocky Mountain Woman

I love this little look at your life! Thanks for sharing...


That's sad when suddenly a marriage falls apart because on of the doesn't love the other anymore. At least you have your children, that's something positive.


I don't know any Ian's at all! In fact, the only Ian I can think of is Ian Fleming who wrote the James Bond novels!

Pride In Photos Beauty

Well the marriage loss, will always be on his shoulders and he will have to carry that to his grave. But my dear, it is HIS loss, not yours. Enjoy what you have been blessed with.


Thanks for sharing, Tracy ~~ Did you know that my REAL NAME is Ian? No, not really.

About that same thing happened to me. Young marriage, four kids, and thirteen years later, "I need to get away." Bad news from there. I still have a stifled sob sometimes when I sigh breathing in. We both are married again, her three other times, and me once now for 40 years. So, yes, life does go on.

Thank you for the really nice post, Tracy. Sorry I dumped badly here.


Thanks for sharing :)

Pam Beers.

Thanks for sharing you innermost thoughts. Divorced once, widowed once, currently dating a very nice gentleman. Hugs.

On a more humorous note. In the movie The Lone Ranger, Tonto said, "White man stupid."

Debra at HOMESPUN:

Very hard when a marriage ends....


I don't know any Ians, but I'm glad you found some new ones so that the name wasn't tainted forever! And Ilse? I love that.




There seem to have been a good number of supportive and good people with "I" names in your life. You have a really good outlook!

Susan Anderson

My grandson's best friend is named Ian. Other than that, I have known only a couple.

I admire your attitude toward your ex-husband. Not everyone would choose to look at the good things from that relationship. I'm sure your children are the beneficiaries of your ability to look beyond the painful end of a marriage that you clearly valued.

Thanks for sharing this. We all suffer loss, and you are an inspiration in your outlook.



The first Ian sounds like a fool!

It's his loss for letting you go!

I don't know anyone with this name!

And isn't it interesting that you know so many!

Thanks for an interesting link for the letter 'I'.


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