Christ is risen He is risen indeed.
There is really not much to add to this except
I have had a lovely day celebrating Easter in a very earthly way , family food and fun, not to mention chocolate , but if had not been for the sacrifice. That Jesus made on Good Friday today would not be a celebration.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Saturday Centus from my world ......
The first sentence of your SC this week is:
From that compelling beginning, please write 100 words.
It's a 107 word story...
HOWEVER, the first sentence in each will be the exact same.
"OUR FINGERS ENTWINED LIKE RIBBONS OF LIGHT" soft to touch like velvety silk .
Uniquely formed tips with crescent moon nail beds and tips manicured to perfection
Delicate translucent skin with the colour of a vibrant pink rose.
The unique fragrance of new born baby swaddled in cashmere
That first meeting leaving a memory engrained in my mind forever
Filling my heart to bursting and a smile beaming from ear to ear
With a nose as cute as her fathers
dimples in the cheeks the depth of her mothers
The cutest chin, but my abiding memory of Charlotte is when
I wonder if this will be my experience when I greet my next grandchild , will it even be a girl?
Thank you for visiting please pop over and see Jenny can't wait to see other contributions .
Happy Easter.
Friday, 29 March 2013
Good Friday
This is a hymn from my school days., and that was a longtime ago.Basically the words sum up,what today is all,about , well that is what it is all about for Christians .
There Is A Green Hill Far Away Hymn
There is a green hill far away,
Outside a city wall,
Where the dear Lord was crucified,
Who died to save us all.
O dearly, dearly, has He loved,
And we must love Him, too,
And trust in His redeeming blood,
And try His works to do.
We may not know, we cannot tell,
What pains He had to bear;
But we believe it was for us
He hung and suffered there.
He died that we might be forgiven,
He died to make us good,
That we might go at last to Heav’n,
Saved by His precious blood.
There was no other good enough
To pay the price of sin;
He only could unlock the gate
Of heaven and let us in.
O dearly, dearly has He loved,
And we must love Him, too,
And trust in His redeeming blood,
And try His works to do.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Hi Alphabet followers please visit Jenny in her classroom and see what other followers have come up with for the letter
Well as it is Holy week it would be remiss of me not to focus on this, this week.
Well as it is Holy week it would be remiss of me not to focus on this, this week.
Holy week is a time that Christians remember and some rein act the journey that Jesus made to the Cross . Starting last Sunday on Palm Sunday
Anybody who goes to church on Palm Sunday would have come away with a Palm Cross
This is a simple symbol
I am not sure if you can see these instructions but you could make your own.
The next day for Holy week is actually Today
Maunday Thursday.
This was the day that Jesus sat with his disciples and washed their feet.
Can you Imagine Jesus washing your feet? It is amazing for me , just think how dusty and dirty those feet would have been.
what has amazed me on the news today is that the new pope is going to a young offenders prison to wash the feet of prisoners.
Now these feet are likely to be clean , not full of dust like the disciples feet. So this man who is the head of the catholic church is taking himself to the people fantastic. I wonder if the new Archbishop of Canterbury will be doing something similar guess the only other thing he could do is go and wash the feet of a beggar on the street.
The next event on Maunday Thursday was Jesus breaking Bread and sharing wine.
The final sacrifice he made was to carry his own cross through the streets and then hang on that cross and die for me.
This picture says it all for me.
Now please don't get me wrong I am the first one to want the chocolate on Easter Sunday
And I will be the first one running ( OK hobbling ) to find eggs if I get to join an egg hunt.
But for me The sacrifice that Jesus made for me is central for me .
Fairly new on the market in the UK is an Egg with the christian story Will defiantly be on the lookout for that one
What ever you are doing this weekend Have a great time
God Bless
and please pop over to see Jenny
alphabet Thursday
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Tasty Tuesday
Oatmeal Apple Pancakes
It's been a while since I've share a recipe with you all. I guess I've been lazy a bit busy and haven't been cooking much. I shared a picture on my facebook page yesterday making these pancakes for the kiddos and I said I would share the recipe if they were good. Well, they're not the best but my kids ate them all up which means they really liked them! My son even asked me to make them again this morning. They are very easy to make and chances are you already have the ingredients! They are thicker and denser than most pancakes since they don't contain flour. I got the recipe from Whole Foods which you can find on their websitehere. Honestly, I don't LOVE them but my kids do!
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup applesauce
1 egg
2 tablespoons maple syrup, plus more for drizzling
1 tablespoon butter
Combine oats, applesauce, egg and maple syrup in a blender and purée to make a smooth batter.
Melt 1/2 tablespoon of the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, drop 2 tablespoons of the batter into the skillet to form each of five pancakes, spacing them about 2 inches apart. Cook, flipping once, until golden brown and cooked through, about 2 minutes per side. Repeat with remaining 1/2 tablespoon butter and batter.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Palm Sunday
Today is the day Christians remember the start of Jesus' journey to the cross.
The journey that saw him ride into town on a donkey.
Such a simple act of great magnitude .
Can you imagine the queen of England riding to Windsor on a donkey?
But then Jesus was no ordinary king he was the king of king and the lord of Lords.
This is not an overly spiritual posting, we all know what we believe and understand about this day and the start of Holy Week .
I will later today take time to reflect on that journey , what would Jesus have heard ,seen and smelt . Our senses tell us a lot about what surrounds us so tonight I want to try and reflect on what Jesus experienced .
The journey that saw him ride into town on a donkey.
Such a simple act of great magnitude .
Can you imagine the queen of England riding to Windsor on a donkey?
But then Jesus was no ordinary king he was the king of king and the lord of Lords.
This is not an overly spiritual posting, we all know what we believe and understand about this day and the start of Holy Week .
I will later today take time to reflect on that journey , what would Jesus have heard ,seen and smelt . Our senses tell us a lot about what surrounds us so tonight I want to try and reflect on what Jesus experienced .
Saturday, 23 March 2013
No green eggs or ham for me.........
It's a picture prompt this week.
Hey Don't be a hater. It's almost Easter, so do with this what you will.
Style of writing: Rhyme
Additional Pictures: Any
An Egg in a shell
With soldiers to dip
Eggs in scramble
On slices of toast
Fried in the pan
Sunny side up
Poached with salmon
On English muffin
Benedict style
With hollandaise sauce
Encased in a pie
With sausage meat vest
Hard boiled eggs
Or soft if you prefer
Served with salad
On a hot summer day
The best for me is
Chocolate with filling
Or mini in foil
Painted at Easter
For hiding
And seeking
The bunny has been
And done his job
Food and fun for all
But Please
No Devil eggs for me
or eggs Mimosa
![]() |
I can not think of anything worse to eat except maybe a maggot |
Please don't feed me Devilled gags as a punishment I would rather do your ironing .
Ok now you know what not to feed me if ever we meet. Please pop over to Miss Jenny who is serving this delicacy.
Saturday Centus
Friday, 22 March 2013
Filling Friday
Ok well I stood on the scales this morning and am not quite sure how I felt with the results . I was the same as last week.
Think I need to start keeping a food diary to see exactly what I am eating.
I had assumed that I would have lost an ounce or two but no the same.
So this next week it is record all the way.
I am not happy being fat, I do not believe I am designed to be fat, I was slim until I had children.
These statements suggest to me that Inside my fat body there is a thin Tracy trying to get out.
I don subscribe to the group that say "I am happy this way" they may say that but I don't say it.
I am expecting my second grandchild and the only way I will be around to play with them is by slimming down.
Think I need to start keeping a food diary to see exactly what I am eating.
I had assumed that I would have lost an ounce or two but no the same.
So this next week it is record all the way.
I am not happy being fat, I do not believe I am designed to be fat, I was slim until I had children.
These statements suggest to me that Inside my fat body there is a thin Tracy trying to get out.
I don subscribe to the group that say "I am happy this way" they may say that but I don't say it.
I am expecting my second grandchild and the only way I will be around to play with them is by slimming down.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Bond, James Bond
I am a fan of James Bond. I don't pretend to know all the small details or order of the films. I could never do Mastermnd on the subject. I just know what I like.
My goal is to own all 23 James so far I have three, four
Dr. No (1962-Sean Connery
yes this one arrived today
FromRussia With Love (1963-Sean Connery)
Goldfinger (1964-Sean Connery)
Thunderball (1965-Sean Connery)
You Only Live Twice (1967-Sean Connery)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971-Sean Connery)
Live and Let Die (1973-Roger Moore)
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974-Roger Moore)
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977-Roger Moore)
Moonraker (1979-Roger Moore)
For Your Eyes Only (1981-Roger Moore)
Octopussy (1983-Roger Moore)
A View to a Kill (1985-Roger Moore)
Licence to Kill (1989-Timothy Dalton)
GoldenEye (1995-Pierce Brosnan)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997-Pierce Brosnan)
The World is Not Enough (1999-Pierce Brosnan)
Die Another Day (2002-Pierce Brosnan)
Casino Royale (2006-Daniel Craig)
Quantum of Solace (2008-Daniel Craig)
Skyfall (2012-Daniel Craig)
This was a gift from Hannah
"Bond 24" (2014?)
Can you name them All?
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Dear Mum
OK it has taken me a while to decide how to write this centus. I thought at the time oh it will be easy. That was until I started reading what everyone else has written.
Thank you Jenny for allowing me this space, also thank you to those that have contributed your posts are awesome, and have made me cry.
Losing a parent at 16 is very hard , but you don't realise until adult hood how hard.
In 1979 I was a very Naive child and yes I was still a child not like my children that hit 16 with hormones flowing wildly.
Any way her is my letter to my mum. When you have read please pop by to Jenny's place and see how others have contributed to her blog.
Like many in blog land my mother and I are perfect strangers to you but you have taken time to say hi.
Bless you
Thank you Jenny for allowing me this space, also thank you to those that have contributed your posts are awesome, and have made me cry.
Losing a parent at 16 is very hard , but you don't realise until adult hood how hard.
In 1979 I was a very Naive child and yes I was still a child not like my children that hit 16 with hormones flowing wildly.
Any way her is my letter to my mum. When you have read please pop by to Jenny's place and see how others have contributed to her blog.
Like many in blog land my mother and I are perfect strangers to you but you have taken time to say hi.
Bless you
I never knew you as an adult. I only saw you through the
eyes of a child I am sure I bought you pain; I know I told you lies.
I know I did not love you everyday we were together.
But Mum I do know that you loved me unconditionally that’s why
you made the ultimate sacrifice to allow another mother bring me up.
I like to think you watch me from heaven and know your
grandchildren, including the one alongside you.
All I can say now is Thank You Beryl for taking me home
Love You Always
Beryl June Elsdon (Castle)
Saturday Centus
Roses are red......
Wow it is that time of the week , time to write something deep and meaningful, or light hearted and fun
Which ever way I chose to write is entirely up to you. But once you have read what I have written take a ride over the Rainbow to see see Jenny
Rainbows are full of colour
Remind me to remember with a ribbon round my ring finger
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I am writing this Rhyme
For you to read
Not as prose that's perfectly formed
But more because the rose is red
Ok enough is enough I am of to the end of the rainbow for my pot of Gold
Don't forget to visit Teacher she loves to read all our posts
WonderFul Wednesday
My wonderful blog,world friend Ellora over at Creatively Southern has done an amazing job on my blog and today to top it off I now have a fab button .
Please grab it and add to your site. While you are at it why not become a follower.
I am working hard at getting my blog followed and getting new blog world friends.
Please grab it and add to your site. While you are at it why not become a follower.
I am working hard at getting my blog followed and getting new blog world friends.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Happy Birthday
This is not best Pic of my dad but best I could do on pc
I would Imagine that if anybody reads this they wont have met who I am writing about.
I am writing about My Dad AKA Beauty Grandad
Robert Peter Elsdon ( Chicken at the time) was born on this day in 1929 in Georfie land somewhere ( Newcastle)
He was an amazing Grandad and adored his four Grandchildren Rebecca, Elizabeth, Christopher and Hanaah. Plus all the other children that passed through our home who all called him Beauty Grandad, even today if his name ismentioed to some of these children now asults they say you mean beauty Grandad.
There is not a cake today but I am sure Becky and Hannah would have made something amazing for him.
I am sure there would have been some ale enjoyed during the day
I am sur ethat you are up there in Heaven being spoiled rotten by everyone
Happy Birthday Dad
Sunday, 17 March 2013
St Patricks Day
Today is an important day for those with Irish roots.It seems that the Irish all over the world celebrate this saints day.
St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland .
The symbol of Ireland is the shamrock .
A few years ago I was running a rainbow group ( youngest group in girl guiding)
I was doing a project of making the girls aware of the patron saints of the Uk.
As a project I wanted to make shamrocks.
If you look closely you will see that the shamrock is made up of hearts
St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland .
The symbol of Ireland is the shamrock .
A few years ago I was running a rainbow group ( youngest group in girl guiding)
I was doing a project of making the girls aware of the patron saints of the Uk.
As a project I wanted to make shamrocks.
If you look closely you will see that the shamrock is made up of hearts
This was an eye opener to me, the way that God has created a plant that reminds us of love.
It also reminds me of the trinity in the fact that a shamrock is normally made up of three segments.
Father Son and Holy Spirit,.
Without the trinity my faith wild not be what it was and my life would not be what it was.
I try to remember daily to thank God for all he provides.
Happy St Patrick's day .
Friday, 15 March 2013
Fillin Friday - no holds barred
Ok this week I have tried to keep control of my eating. The scales did me proud . This morning I weigh in at 19st 5 3/4 lb this means from last meek I have lost 3lb.


yes you counted right there are 11 of them. to think I was carrying that a eound is disgusting. Something else that is an eye opener is that if as I stand now I was to go to my wardrobe I guess that over half would not fit me. On account of the fact that I can not afford to buy a new ruck of clothes I better keep going forwards.
when I look at that I think I have done well.
These pounds of fat represent what I have lost since Jan 1st



If you are joining me on this journey please let me lnow.
I am being totally honest here and it would be great to have your comments.
Tip this week
If allowing a dessert eat with a teaspoon lasts so much longer
Fillin Friday
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